To help you survive the "Hunger Game", we would like to train you as a skilled hunter in this training session.
In the next scenario, you'll be initially positioned at God's perspective and you will be asked to explore the environment with different navigation modes, recognize 6 tree species with 4 LODs, and find a target: a brown deer.
Click the deer above, and press 'A' key in your keyboard. See how your target looks like.
Hopefully you can gain a sense of tree LODs and distance from your target. Without the sense of distance, you may not hunt the deer thus surviving the game.
Good for you!
Looks like you're familar with the environment and gained some hunting skill. Very Good!
Are you ready for several challenging tasks?
Just click the button when you're ready!
ROUND #1 of 8
Prepare youself while the scene is loading...
Just click the start button when you're ready!
ROUND #n of 8
Awesome! You just get a deer!
Congrats, ! You got all the deer!
Don't forget to download and save your great progress!
how about telling a little bit more about your background?